Launching October 2023

Watch a personal invitation from Dr. Tripp Fuller and Dr. Pete Enns and join the Online Pop-Up Learning Community - launching October 2023!


A 4-Week Online Course to Answer 8 Big "God" Questions

Dive into a transformative, four-week online course that seeks not just to answer eight of the most poignant God questions, but also to unravel the very fabric of theological thought.

Guided by renowned theologians, the course invites participants into the heart of Christian tradition, exploring the diverse schools of thought and the nuances that define them. Hosted by Dr. Tripp Fuller and Dr. Pete Enns, this journey transcends simple answers, beckoning participants to engage with the methodology and complexity of theological thinking.

4 Weekly Deep-Dive Sessions with Tripp and Pete

Each week, Tripp and Pete unpack the intricacies of different theological schools, shedding light on their unique methodologies, sources, and engagements with contemporary challenges.

Framing Conversations with Contributing Theologians

Video interviews with each contributing theologian describing how they think theologically and what we can learn from the different schools of Christian thought. Each theologian will also answer all 8 big questions.

Interactive Forums & Live Q&A Rounds

Engage with fellow participants and theologians, fostering rich discussions and expanding horizons, and interact with the theologians, seeking clarity and delving deeper into the material.

Curated Reading Lists

Comprehensive resources accompany each question and topic, offering participants avenues for further exploration.


The class is asynchronous, and you can participate fully without being present at any specific time. The weekly streaming session with Tripp and Pete will take place on FOUR consecutive MONDAYS at 8pm ET - October 2nd through October 23rd.

The cost? A course like this is typically offered for $125 or more, but we invite you to contribute whatever you can to help make this possible for everyone!

What You'll Walk Away With

By the end of the course, you will...

  • Have gained profound insights into the eight major God questions.
  • Understand the diverse methodologies and approaches that theologians employ within the Christian tradition.
  • Be well-equipped to engage critically and constructively with theological concepts, methodologies, and debates.

Who Should Enroll?

  • People leaving behind a narrow theological perspective and want to explore other parts of the Christian community.
  • Aspiring theologians and curious minds eager to dissect the depths of Christian theological trajectories.
  • Anyone seeking to go beyond basic answers and delve into the "hows" and "whys" of theological thought.
  • Individuals looking to expand their spiritual and theological horizons.

With the unique blend of Tripp Fuller's and Pete Enns' insights and the expertise of a panel of distinguished theologians, this course promises an unparalleled exploration into the world of Christian theology.

Course Outline & 8 Big "God" Questions

WEEK 1: The Tapestry of Theological Thought & Understanding the Divine

  • Introductory Session: How Theologians Think - Tripp and Pete kick off the journey by outlining the varying approaches to theology, highlighting the sources theologians draw from and the ever-evolving nature of theological inquiry.
  • Who is God? - We dive deep into different Christian visions of God.
  • Why are there so many religions? - We explore the rise and significance of diverse religious expressions within and outside the Christian tradition.

WEEK 2: Scripture, Suffering, and Theological Interpretations

  • What is the Bible good for? - We will discuss the multifaceted role of the Bible, considering its historical, moral, spiritual, and theological dimensions and the different ways Christian theologians see its authority.
  • If God is good and loving, why is there so much evil and suffering? - Here, we dig into the problem of evil, exploring varied Christian responses rooted in different theological starting points and commitments.

WEEK 3: Divine Mystery and Engaging with Belief

  • If God wants to be known, why is the knowledge of God’s existence so obscured? - Together, we will broach the theme of divine hiddenness, contrasting how different theological perspectives make sense of religious experience and its absence.
  • Why are you not an atheist? - What are positive reasons for belief in God? The scholars will synthesize personal reflections and critical arguments for faith, highlighting how different schools approach the intersection of faith and reason.

WEEK 4: Christology and Encounters Beyond Institutional Boundaries

  • How does Jesus shape your understanding of God? - Christians insist that Jesus mediates our encounter with God, but after that, the answers are diverse. How was God in Christ? How is the historical Jesus related to the Christ of Faith? What did God do in Christ that we couldn’t do for ourselves? We will explore varying Christological perspectives and their implications for understanding God.
  • How is God revealed and encountered beyond the church?- How can Christian theology acknowledge, honor, or even learn from divine encounters beyond our confessional boundaries? How do different theological trajectories validate or question these experiences?

Meet the Hosts

Dr. Tripp Fuller

Homebrewed Christianity Podcast

Tripp just moved back to North Carolina after three years as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Theology & Science at the University of Edinburgh. He recently released Divine Self-Investment: a Constructive Open and Relational Christology, the first book in the Studies in Open and Relational Theology series. For over 15 years Tripp has been doing the Homebrewed Christianity podcast (think on-demand internet radio) where he interviews different scholars about their work so you can get nerdy in traffic, on the treadmill, or doing the dishes. Last year it had over 4 million downloads. It also inspired a book series with Fortress Press called the Homebrewed Christianity Guides to... topics like God, Jesus, Spirit, Church History, etc. Tripp is a very committed and (some of his friends think overly) engaged Lakers fan and takes Star Wars and Lord of the Rings very seriously.

Dr. Pete Enns

The Bible for Normal People Podcast

Pete is a biblical scholar who teaches and writes on Old Testament, New Testament, Second Temple Judaism, and the intersection of biblical studies and contemporary Christian faith. He has taught extensively at the seminary and doctoral levels (Westminster Theological Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary, Harvard Divinity School, Fuller Theological Seminary, Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Biblical Theological Seminary) and on the undergraduate level (Temple University and Messiah College). He speaks actively in academic and ecclesiastical venues on topics pertaining the Bible and Christian faith. He has written or edited over a dozen books and many articles and essays.

Contributing Theologians

Each week, you'll access interviews with each contributing theologian describing how they think theologically and what we can learn from the different schools of Christian thought. Each theologian will also answer all 8 big questions!


Associate Professor of Theology at Xavier University


Professor of Theology and World Religions at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York


Ingraham Professor of Theology at Claremont School of Theology


Lecturer in Science and Religion at University of Edinburgh


Assistant Professor of Theological Ethics in the School of Religion, Theology, and Peace Studies at Trinity College Dublin

What People Are Saying

"As a minister these classes and conversations have enriched how I read and engage with our sacred texts, as well as for the community I help shepherd. As an individual person of faith I'm always amazed at the resources and friends Tripp helps curate and connect with on a deeper and authentic level."

Will Rose - Parish Pastor, Holy Trinity Lutheran and Lutheran Campus Ministry (Chapel Hill, NC)

“Grad-school level classes with incredible teachers in a fun, accessible and engaging online experience for even an exhausted working pastor/parent to participate in and enjoy!”

Rachel Haxtema - Associate Pastor, Keystone UCC (Seattle, WA)

“I’ve taken several Homebrewed classes over the years, from a couple of Black theology classes, to Kierkegaard to Bonhoeffer, to Tolkien and many others I’ve heard episodes from. From the episodes and the readings I’ve learned things I wouldn’t have otherwise had access to, from some of my favorite scholars or about some of my favorite topics. From some of the readings I’ve bought books I wouldn’t have otherwise read, and further deepened what I was able to think with. It’s been a treasure to be part of them.”

Jonathan Stegall - faith-rooted organizer, abolitionist, designer, and coder

“Homebrewed Christianity is, in my opinion, the best open and interactive community I’ve ever been apart of. I’ve learned so much from people who are not only brilliant but kind and fun."

Ednaldo Elme - the drummer who doesn’t tell his minister what he’s really thinking

HBC classes have been an absolute lifeline for allowing me to have continuing education outside of the adult Sunday School setting. Many people have limited exposure to the entire spectrum of Christianity as well as other world religions in the church setting, and these classes are a wonderful resource in that regard. Also, as someone who is getting a theology degree, the HBC classes have provided a super helpful avenue for learning."

John Pohl, MD - Pediatric Surgeon (University of Utah)


When does the class meet?

The class is asynchronous and you can participate fully without being present at any specific time. The weekly streaming session will take place on FOUR consecutive MONDAYS at 8pm ET - October 2nd through October 23rd.

How do I get access to the class content?

The complete class content collection will be available on the password protected resource page. The downloadable audio and video of each session will be uploaded there and available for at least a year.

What happens after I sign up?

The email you enter when signing up will receive an email from classinfo[at]homebrewedchristianity[dot]com. The email will include access to the resource page, details on how to join the class Facebook group, and more.

Do I have to have Facebook?

No. Facebook is not required to participate, but an additional way to connect with other class members and interact throughout the class.

Who is partnering to produce this course?

Homebrewed Christianity and The Bible for Normal People have partnered to produce "Theology for Normal People" as four-week online course. If for some reason, you don't listen to both podcasts and feel left out, please subscribe here and here.