What is Theology Beer Camp?

The God-Pods are back for round two! This year, Homebrewed Christianity brings the zestiest podcasters, scholars, and people who like to nerd out on theological goodness while they party. At Camp, we will...

  • nerd out with super-nerds (scholars)
  • enjoy some wild live podcasts
  • have some serious fun at a tailgate party, 90s karaoke, theological speed-dating, EPIC bottle share, & fall festivities
  • enjoy quality craft beer (& other tasty treats)
  • hang with your favorite podcasters & find new ones
  • leave with some new theology nerd friends

Get presale tickets now! Prices go up Sept 1, 2024!

Why Theology Beer Camp?

Theology Beer Camp is a unique three-day conference that brings together of theology nerds and craft beer for a blend of intellectual engagement, community building, and fun. Organized by Homebrewed Christianity, this event features a lineup of well-known podcasters, scholars, and theology enthusiasts who come together to "nerd out" on theological topics while enjoying loads of fun activities.

When and where is it taking place?

Theology Beer Camp will take place from October 17-19 in Denver, Colorado at St. Andrew United Methodist Church. Events start at 6pm on Thursday (check in) and officially ends at 6pm on Saturday, although you're welcome to join the afterparty at a local brewery. Learn more about pre-events (coming soon!).

For the first time ever...


Thursday, October 17
10am - 4pm


Keynote Speakers

The awesome lineup so far... with more coming soon!

Jon T

John J. Thatamanil

Diana Butler Bass

Diana Butler Bass

Brian McLaren

Gary Dorrien

Gary Dorrien

Joerg Rieger

Joerg Rieger

Ilia Delio Headshot

Ilia Delio

Catherine Keller

More Speakers

Adam Clark

Adam Clark

Leah Robinson

Leah Robinson

Tom Oord

Thomas Jay Oord

Kristy Whaley

Kristy Whaley

Brian Zahnd

Brian Zahnd

Myron Penner

Jill Y. Crainshaw

Grace Ji-Sun Kim

Grace Ji-Sun Kim

Corey Walker

Corey Walker

Pete Enns

Pete Enns

James F. McGrath

Jacob Erickson

Jacob Erickson

Ben Chicka

Craig A. Boyd

Craig A. Boyd

More soon!

Some of the best minds in academic progressive theology meet some of the most dynamic theology podcasts surrounded by a loving and inclusive community in a way that stimulates your mind and fills your heart leaving you longing for each moment of your life to become its beautiful potential.

The God-Pods

Here for such a time as this.

A Tiny Revolution with Kevin Garcia
Theology on the Rocks with Leah Robinson and Kristy Whaley
Across the Bifrost: The Mighty Thor Podcast with Ryan Does
Whole Church Podcast
Religion and Justice
Secret Art Project with Sarey Martin Concepcion
Brew Theology
Future Christian Podcast
Desert Voices with Shaleen Kendrick
The Biggest Table with Andrew Camp
Revcovery with Sarah Heath and Justin Gentry
You Have Permission with Dan Koch
A People's Theology with Mason Mennenga
Emerged with Tony Jones and Tripp Fuller
The Reverend Hunter
Ruining Dinner
Tillich Today with Taylor Thomas
Heart of a Heartless World
Honoring the Journey with Leslie Nease
A Pastor and a Philosopher Walk into a Bar
The New Evangelicals with Tim Whitaker
Crackers and Grape Juice with Jason Michell, Teer Hardy, Taylor Mertins, and Johanna Hartelius
Tolkien Heads Podcast
Madang with Grace Ji-Sun Kim
Spirituality Adventures with Fred Herron
Sacred Counsel with Brian Recker
Radical Love Live
Revolution Gathering with Jay Bakker
Gravity Commons

TBC Team

Tripp Fuller

Founder of Theology Beer Camp + Founder + host of Homebrewed Christianity

Kristen Tideman

Kristen Tideman

Camp Director + Co-founder of TidyCo Creative + Most likely to cosplay as Pippin

Sarey Martin Concepción

Activity Director + Founder of Secret Art Project + Co-founder of TidyCo Creative

Mark Scandrette

Mark A. Scandrette

Experience Director +
Executive Director (founder) for Reimagine

Claim Your Spot For Camp Now

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